Posts by Category


Winning a game

1 minute read

What does it mean to win a game? Many people try to win every game. But at what cost, what was the point of winning?


less than 1 minute read

Are we intelligent? Will any intelligent person think themself of intelligent?


less than 1 minute read

Are we entitled to have something for sure? Are we even entitled to think about our entitlement?


1 minute read

The dictionary meaning “the principles or practice of passive submission to constituted authority even when unjust or oppressive” doesn’t capture the eastern...


1 minute read

Leverage is something you can use to get maximum advantage of something. It is a tool. For you to use a tool, first you have to understand the fundamental pr...

Person and perspective

less than 1 minute read

Is someone separate from their perspective? How can we disentangle these two?

Evaluated Experience

less than 1 minute read

It is a standard consensus that experience is the best teacher. How does just the experience can be the best teacher?

Catch up with status quo

1 minute read

What if you could get rid of the idea that you always need to catch-up with your peers status wise? What changes will you make in your life? What stops you f...


1 minute read

If everything you believe is something that you are supposed to believe, what are the odds that it is really a coincidence?

Learning vs Education

1 minute read

Education is the industrial process of making people compliant. Command and control is the backbone of it. While learning is unleashing of a curious mind ag...

Pleasure vs happiness

less than 1 minute read

The former is about taking, whereas the latter is all about giving. One is short-lived and the other is long-lived.

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First post

less than 1 minute read

Hello world, and everyone.

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